Posted by admin on Sep 21, 2016 in Company News, Featured | 0 comments

- Completed a detailed geological interpretation and exploration report on its highly prospective, 100%-owned NMX East property in northern Quebec
- Results from the field reconnaissance survey included the discovery of three distinct lithium-bearing intrusions, which have been characterized as LCT (lithium-cesium-tantalum) pegmatites, and the generation of clear drilling targets
- 11 samples returned over 129 ppm Li2O, up to 689 ppm Li2O; 5 samples returned over 50.3 ppm Cs, up to 83.6 ppm Cs; 22 samples returned over 481 ppm Rb, up to 2140 ppm Rb; and 11 samples returned over 27ppm Ta, up to 77.1 ppm Ta
Vancouver, BC / September 21, 2016 – Durango Resources Inc. (TSX.V-DGO), (the “Company” or “Durango”) announces that, further to its news release of September 20, 2016, Durango has completed a detailed geological interpretation and exploration report on its highly prospective, 100%-owned NMX East property in northern Quebec.
Results from the field reconnaissance survey included the discovery of three distinct lithium-bearing intrusions, which have been characterized as LCT (lithium-cesium-tantalum) pegmatites, and the generation of clear drilling targets.
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Posted by admin on Sep 21, 2016 in Company News, Featured | 0 comments

Ron Hieber is a geology graduate of Rhodes University, South Africa, with high school education having been completed in Zimbabwe, in 1968. He began his career with Anglo American Platinum, on the company’s Platinum mines in Rustenburg, followed by service on the mines in other Bushveld Complex areas, becoming Chief Geologist at Rustenburg in 1981. In 1986 he was appointed to the corporate office as head of all Anglo Platinum’s mining geology and exploration functions, which remained part of his responsibilities until he retired from Anglo Platinum at 58, in 2009. During his service with Anglo, Ron was made a Divisional Director and the Group’s Survey, Ventilation, Rock Engineering and Strategic Planning functions were added to his Geological responsibilities. From the time of his appointment at Corporate, he contributed significantly to the accumulation, retention and management of Anglo Platinum’s mineral rights portfolio, on the Bushveld Complex and Great Dyke, whilst also directing worldwide PGM Exploration Programmes for Anglo Platinum, in Australia, China, Canada, Russia and Brazil. This included heading-up the River Valley Option/Joint Venture for Anglo Platinum, from Discovery, in 2000, with Pacific North West Capital.
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Posted by admin on Sep 20, 2016 in Company News, Featured | 0 comments

- lithium bearing pegmatites were discovered on its property that is adjacent to Nemaska Lithium Inc.’s (TSX-NMX) Whabouchi Project
- Anomalous lithium assays were grabbed from surface exposed pegmatites outcrops identified by high definition satellite imagery
Vancouver, BC / September 20, 2016 – Durango Resources Inc. (TSX.V-DGO), (the “Company” or “Durango”) reports that further to its news release of September 13, 2016, lithium bearing pegmatites were discovered on its property that is adjacent to Nemaska Lithium Inc.’s (TSX-NMX) Whabouchi Project.
Durango’s anomalous lithium assays were grabbed from surface exposed pegmatites outcrops identified by high definition satellite imagery. No trenching or blasting was completed on the first phase reconnaissance program which took place in August 2016, as the scope of the program was limited to identifying pegmatites and sampling for lithium values.
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Posted by admin on Sep 20, 2016 in Company News, Featured | 0 comments

- American Lithium Corp (TSX-V: LI), the Optionee of the Company’s Clayton Valley BFF-1 Project advised the Company that the BLM has approved a Notice of Intent describing proposed locations for up to 6 sonic drill holes on the property.
September 20, 2016 / Vancouver, British Columbia- Nevada Energy Metals Inc. “the Company”, TSX-V: BFF (OTCQB: SSMLF) (Frankfurt: A2AFBV) is pleased to report that American Lithium Corp (TSX-V: LI), the Optionee of the Company’s Clayton Valley BFF-1 Project “the Project”, has advised the Company that the BLM has approved a Notice of Intent describing proposed locations for up to 6 sonic drill holes on the property. Sonic drilling is capable of reaching a depth of 500 feet and is used for determining the characteristics and orientation of subsurface playa sediments. The ultimate goal of this program is to confirm the presence of a fine grained green sand and silt logged as volcanic ash in previous drilling on the property. This horizon is thought to be correlative to the Main Ash Aquifer on the adjacent Albermare/Rockwood lithium producing property. (ref. Geology and Conceptual Modeling of the Silver Peak Geothermal Prospect, Esmeralda County, Nevada; Jeffrey B. Hulen, PG, 2008)
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Posted by admin on Sep 16, 2016 in Company News, Featured | 0 comments

Two Divisions: PGM and Lithium
- PGM Division: focus on Development of the 100% owned River Valley PGM Project. Canada’s Largest Undeveloped Primary PGM Resource, with 2.5 Moz PGM, in Measured plus Indicated mineral resources. New Discovery in 2015. Summer Surface Exploration ongoing and a Fall 2016 drill program to follow-up.
- Lithium Canada: formed April 2016, with a focus on Exploration of Hard Rock Lithium, in Manitoba, Canada and Lithium Brine in Nevada. The company uses the Prospector Generator Model.
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Posted by admin on Sep 13, 2016 in Company News, Featured | 0 comments

- Pegmatites were discovered and mapped and some samples sent for assay from its group of lithium claims located near Nemaska, Quebec
- On the West block of claims, a few outcrops were located close to the southern boundary of Nemaska Lithium boundary and were made up of granite.
Vancouver, BC / September 13, 2016 – Durango Resources Inc. (TSX.V-DGO), (the “Company” or “Durango”) reports that further to its news release of September 8, 2016, pegmatites were discovered and mapped and some samples sent for assay from its group of lithium claims located near Nemaska, Quebec.
The pegmatites were discovered on the North, South and Eastern blocks of Durango’s claims in the recently completed program. On the West block of claims, a few outcrops were located close to the southern boundary of Nemaska Lithium boundary and were made up of granite.
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